


Idea & Goal

The initial goal for Skypoint was to create a user-friendly application for booking flights online. The idea originally came to me when I left for school and had to start booking my own flights. For some reason booking flights then was a foreign language to me. It’s possibly there are young adults booking flights today that may seem a little lost. So building them a cost-effective, intuitive user flow for getting on a plane became the target.


The Challenge

The most difficult part of simplifying a booking app is deciding which steps in booking should be separated and which have the opportunity to be combined. Where I used to get lost was when multiple steps were included on each page, as well as ads and bonus offers for hotels, cars, etc. The goal here was to simplify all of that. I want a plane ticket - show me the only steps I need in as concise a process as possible to get me from A to B.



Shooting for as simple a layout as possibly can surprisingly have its snags. You set out to get straight to it, only to realize there are so many more paths, options you need to take when deciding on a flight. Figuring out how to simplify options and guide the user was, however, the fun challenge. Colors and layout played a major part in giving the appearance of simplicity, while still holding the sophistication of the booking process.